What is it?
The word acupuncture is derived from the Latin words “acus” (needle) and “punctura” (stitch). Most historians believe the practice began in China approximately 3.500 years ago. Acupuncture is a complete and holistic system of medicine.
What is acupuncture ?
Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medecine evaluates man and his health condition in an energetic and functional way. Our energy flows within the human body in a network of energy channels, so called meridians. When the body is in balance, energy flows harmoniously within the channels and nourishes the organs and tissues. Pain and illness arise when the channels become blocked and energy is not able to move freely. Acupuncture can be practiced both as a preventive or curative treatment.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of tiny, sterile, single-use needles into specific acupuncture points on the body. These points are located along channels where energy is concentrated and accessible. Each acupuncture point has specific abilities to adjust the flow of energy and to restore energetic balance.
Does acupuncture hurt ?
Acupucnture needles are much smaller than injection needles. The insertion of a needle is barely felt. Stimulation of the needle produces a bodily sensation called “de-qi” (Chinese term). This sensation is often described as dull, spreading, radiating, relieving or tingling.
Techniques used
In daily practice, I treat patients of all ages, including children, pregnant women, athletes and patients with acute and chronic pain. As every patient is unique, acupuncture treatments are designed and tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Depending on the underlying health problem, I use one or a combination of the following techniques :
– body acupuncture
– ear acupuncture
– cupping
– moxatherapy
– nutritional advice
– electro acupuncture
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Treatments and consultations by appointment only. A patient is treated on the basis of medical data and western scientific diagnosis. It is always the treating doctor who has to make the western diagnosis. Therefore it is possible that I refer you first to your treating physician for further examination before starting a treatment.It is recommended that the patient always keeps contact with the treating physician within the framework of the western diagnosis and the follow-up of the pattern of complaints.